Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Review: Clean and Clear oil free cream wash and moisturiser
Round about this time last year I started to notice a few spots on my forehead and on my nose, so I decided to invest in some face wash. I went through quite a few face washes and they did an alright job I suppose, but my skin wasn't really too bad at this point.
A few months ago however more spots started to break out on my forehead and I would get a random big spot that would appear on my face. This made me really self conscious. I asked my mum to  buy me clean and clear's oil free moisturiser because I needed a moisturiser but didn't want one that would add oil to my face and make my skin worse than it already was! My mum however came back with the clean and clear cream wash; I was a bit annoyed but I thought I would give it a go (she later bought the moisturiser too).
  After a week of using the cream wash and applying the moisturiser at night I started to see results and from there my spots slowly went; I haven't had a break out since! The moisturiser is also really good, I love how it feels when it is applied and it's good that I don't have to worry about it clogging up my pores. My skin feels a lot softer since using it!
I'm still using both the face wash and the moisturiser to this day and I absolutely love them!
The only bad thing about the face wash is that it can get a bit messy when applying and washing it off. I also never know how much of it to use and sometimes I use a bit too much, this also means that it runs out quite quickly but saying that it is quite cheap and is worth buying! I really recommend these products for anyone in need of a good face wash or moisturiser! I feel so much more confident with my skin now and I'm so glad  I have found a skin care routine that finally works!

I hope this review helps xxxx

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